Thibaut Claeys

Thibaut Claeys

Thibaut Claeys is a belgian 3D artist living in Montréal since 2008. Actually, he's a senior environment artist working for Gameloft.
His primary tool for his creative illustrations are 3dsmax, vray, mental ray, photoshop,...

About > Activities

Claeys Thibaut has uploaded Demeter

My personal interpretation of the mythological goddess Demeter

a huge train station inspired from the french novel "La compagnie des glaces" by G-J Arnaud

Claeys Thibaut has uploaded Arkon

Some huge vehicle exploring a strange and beautiful planet

A suspended railway going to a mine city.
Inspiration from pictures I found on the net and old funicular.

Claeys Thibaut has uploaded Outpost8

dangerous exploration of an ancient outpost on Mars.

Claeys Thibaut has uploaded Masquerade

Inspiration by venetian mask

Claeys Thibaut has uploaded Hephaistos

steampunk representation of Hephaistos: God of blacksmiths

The "Heat stealer" is a traveller running the world and take all the heat he can find, transforming those area into giant ice desert without any remorse.

could be a nice place to take a drink

My own vision of the blue caterpillar of Alice in wonderland

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